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Thursday, July 5, 2007

Life Science Syllabus Paper 2 - 21 To 30

Life Science Syllabus Paper 2 - 21 To 30

21. Structure, classification, genetics, reproduction and physiology of bacteria and viruses (of bacteria, plants and animals); Mycoplasma protozoa and yeast (a general accounts).

22. Microbial fermentation; Antibiotics, organic acids and vitamins; Microbes in decomposition and recycling processes; Symbiotic and asymbiotic N2-fixation; Microbiology of water, air, soil and sewage: Microbes as pathological agents in plants, animals and man; General design and applications of a biofermenter, Biofertilizer.

23. Antigen; Structure and functions of different clauses of immunoglobulins; Primary and secondary immune response; Lymphocytes and accessory cells; Humoral and cell mediated immunity; MHC; Mechanism of immune response and generation of immunological diversity; Genetic control of immune response, Effector mechanisms; Applications of immunological techniques.

24. Enzyme Kinetics (negative and positive cooperativity); Regulation of enzymatic activity; Active sites; Coenzymes : Activators and inhibitors, isoenzymes, allosteric enzymes; Ribozyme and abzyme.

25. Van der Waal’s, electrostatic, hydrogen bonding and hydrophobic interaction; Primary structure and proteins and nucleic acids; Conformation of proteins and polypeptides (secondary, Tertiary, quaternary and domain structure); Reverse turns and Ramachandran plot; Structural polymorphism of DNA, RNA and three dimensional structure of tRNA; Structure of carbohydrates, polysaccharides, glycoproteins and peptido-glycans; Helixcoil transition; Energy terms in biopolymer conformational calculation.

26. Glycolysis and TCA cycle; Glycogen breakdown and synthesis; Gluconeogenesis; Interconversion of hexoses and pentoses; Amino acid metabolism; Coordinated control of metabolism; Biosynthesis of purines and pyrimidines; Oxidation of lipids; Biosynthesis of fatty acids; Triglycerides; Phospholipids; Sterols.

27. Energy metabolism (concept of free energy); Thermodynamic principles in biology; Energy rich bonds; Weak interactions; Coupled reactions and oxidative phosphorylations; Group transfer; Biological energy transducers; Bioenergietics.

28. Fine structure of gene, Eukaryotic genome organisation (structure of chromatin, coding and non-coding sequences, satellite DNA); DNA damage and repair, DNA replication, amplification and rearrangements.

29. Organization of transcriptional units; Mechanism of transcription of prokaryotes and eukaryotes; RNA processing (capping, polyadenylation, splicing, introns and exons); Ribonucleoproteins, structure of mRNA; Genetic code and protein synthesis.

30. Regulation of gene expression in pro and eukaryotes; Attenuation and antitermination; Operon concept; DNA methylation; Heterochromatization; Transposition; Regulatory sequences and transacting factors; Environmental regulation of gene expression.
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